Our Business

2050 is a leading Canadian clean energy company with a goal to address climate change, meet the UN net-zero objective and implement ESG standards by the year 2050 with extensive global industry experience since 2007
2050 funds are supported by several foundations, ultra high net worth individuals, family offices, asset management firms and proceeds deriving from global capital markets in form of bonds and securities across Europe and North America
2050 develops solar and energy storage projects globally with a proven track record of success since 2007
2050 provides world class engineering and construction services to build solar and energy storage projects
2050 HOME
2050 develops and executes plans with cities and towns to accelerate the implementation of programs to deploy clean energy technologies in residential and low income communities
2050 manages significant invested capital in solar and energy storage projects globally with vertically integrated asset management services to provide seamless operations resulting in high quality of earnings
2050 ESG
2050 helps organizations set and achieve ESG goals by providing feasibility studies, ESG standards reporting and green bond certification services